Water Purification & Desalination
About Aqua-Veritas
We are a Swedish-based company, specialized in desalination and water purification.
Our facilities are automated, mobile and reliable.
Aqua-Veritas (AV) is a subsidiary of Härnösands-Shakt- and Trädgårdsanlagning AB (HSTA).
• Härnösands Schakt- and Trädgårdsanlagningar AB (HSTA) was established in 1952.
• JA Skogström AB (JASAB) was established in 2007 as a subsidiary of HSTA.
• Aqua-Veritas was started in 2018 as a project by JASAB to desalinate seawater.
• Aqua-Veritas since April 2023 has become a subsidiary of HSTA.
• The idea was to build container-ready solutions for desalination from 10 m³ of clean water and up, per day.
• In 2019, a mobile container facility was built with a capacity of 100 m³ of drinking water per day.
• According to the owner's directive, the focus should be on ensuring quality and continuously improving the facility for automation operation.
• There were no requirements from the owners to market the plant until the quality and operational reliability were met.
• As of 2019, Aqua-Veritas has developed a purification and desalination plant that is probably the most computerized plant available.
Aqua-Veritas provides a variety of uses. Everything from drinking water for municipalities, industries, hotels, resorts, etc., to clean water for golf courses and agriculture.
JA Skogström AB (JASAB)
Härnösands Schakt and Trädgårdsanlagningar AB (HSTA)
Proof Projects

Aqua-Veritas On the Road
Thanks to Aqua-Veritas's mobile containerized desalination and purification plant, the unit can be quickly and easily moved between different locations. Extremely valuable for Reserve and Emergency water.
Since May 2023, Aqua-Verita's containerized purification and desalination plant has been located next to Indalsälven, in a small town outside Sundsvall. In September 2023, the facility was moved to the river Ljungan and installed in a small town outside Sundsvall called Nolby. This is a collaboration between Aqua-Veritas and MittSverige Vatten & Avfall (MSVA) and the municipality of Sundsvall.

Skellefteå Community

Long-term tests of Aqua-Veritas' containerized purification and desalination plant, from September 2021 to April 2023, have been carried out in collaboration between Aqua-Veritas and Skellefteå Municipality, a community in northern Sweden. The purpose has been to evaluate the plant's performance as well as the maintenance needs and production costs. During the tests, water samples were analyzed and checked by certified laboratories and data on the operation of the plant, which is highly automated, and samples were collected from its computer control system. "Results from the tests have shown the unit has purified the raw water (surface water with a high iron and humus content) very well, very efficiently and at a low cost.
" Roger Mattsson Ph.D. and project manager, Skellefteå municipality.
Final Report, Mobile Water Purification - Sept 19th 2023 (Click image to open report)
The plant used in this test had previously been used for successfully purifying sea water. However, since the content of freshwater differs from sea water (especially regarding the content of humus) the first (initial) phase of the test was dedicated to observing and analyzing the plant’s functionality, operational stability and cleaning capacity in order to, if necessary, find out and implement modifications to achieve acceptable results. It turned out that it was necessary to complement the plant with a different media in the sand filter and a larger humus filter for removal of humus.
The second phase of the test (the major part of the test period) was performed after alteration of the plant and it was then consciously operated at maximal capacity. The results from the test show that the modified plant has proven to successful in purify lake surface water, a freshwater with a great content of humus and that it has been done effectively and to a low cost.
We believe that this product has a great potential for offering a solution for portable water (drinking water) production on the global market.
More advantages with the Aqua-Veritas containerized desalination plant:
Efficient water cleaning – removal of in principle all microbiological and chemical particles/contents
Unit capable of cleaning both sea water and fresh water.
Reliable function - Stable operation proved by long term test
Low cost for production of potable water
Mobile container plant
Highly automated control and operation
Automated cleaning of critical components
Scalable production capacity
Low maintenance cost
Skellefteå, January 26, 2023
Roger MattssonPh.D. and Project Manager, Municipality of Skellefteå
Härnösands Harbor
"Aqua-Veritas started producing drinking water in the port of Härnösand in 2020. Despite challenging conditions with brackish water and a harbor environment with a lot of cargo vessels traffic and cruise liners, Aqua-Veritas has continuously and for a long time been able to produce drinking water of the highest quality without interruption."

Golf Courses - Härnösands Golf Club
"Aqua-Veritas was commissioned to purify water enough to be used for irrigation of our facility. Access to large amounts of water that can be used for irrigation and that is produced in an environmentally friendly way is a challenge for golf facilities. Here, Aqua-Veritas' solutions are interesting as they can be quickly set up and produce water in modular container form just when the need exists."